9Friday, January 09, 2009

I been asking myself that queston

What do i truly want?

In life , i guess the answer to this question has truly adverse impact on your life

It is the answer to this that you will begin to know how to shape your life and work your life toward the goal you have to mind

Priorities in your life will keep changing but what matters is do your priorities finally you to what you want in life?

Alignment of your innerself will release the capcity within that has no limits
The sky is truly the limits

What is your plan?

To most people without a plan , everything is hard. They work without a purpose in life with no end in mind and no reason for living

I do not want to live in mediocrity

Love what you do and do what you love =)


Sad Sorry Self
Tay Tiow Hong , Flannery
Twenty Three
Born Into Humanity:
July 2nd 1986
Those I Jailed
Eugene Ong
Grace Chen
Priscilla Goh
Rachel Kee
Cellgroup Blog

My Hidden Past

Cry Out
